Google Certified Educator Level 2 - Two Tools for Passing the Exam!

I passed my Level 2 Exam... Two years later than I meant to 😂 I have been Level 1 certified since June 2018, and have been meaning to do Level 2 ever since! My last two summers have been pretty busy, but of course this one is not with just being stuck at home. It gave me lots of time to prepare and study for the exam. I combed through a ton of resources, and found the two tools below to be the most helpful. 

If you have prepared for a google educator exam before, you've probably been taken to the old google teacher center. This is an updated version of that, and it is MUCH better. The material to read through was helpful, and they give you examples to work through to make sure you are prepared for the tasks on the exam. It was really easy to tailor to my needs - I could skip through what I already knew and go slowly through things I needed to learn. It gave me a great overview of everything that is included on the Level 2 Exam! 

One of the most intimidating things (to me) about the exam is the tasks, where you actually create & implement what you have learned with google apps. These YouTube videos do a great job of showing you how to do several example tasks that you may not encounter when using google apps as a teacher (looking at you, pivot tables!). If I saw a video and I didn't know how to do something, I opened up that google app and followed along in the video. Going through this playlist gave me confidence that I hadn't missed anything while studying for my exam! 

Overall, I found the test pretty easy after going through Skillshop & the YouTube Playlist I mentioned above! There was nothing I encountered that I didn't see on either of those two tools. 

Bonus: Level 1 Links
I got a question on Twitter asking if I had an info on Level 1! I prepared for my Level 1 exam 2 years ago and to be honest, I don't remember exactly what I used. I do remember feeling like I didn't have any great one-stop-shop resources, so if I were preparing for it again today, I would want to use skillshop & the same YouTube channel I used for Level 2 preparation! They were both great for Level 2, and especially since Level 1 & 2 are pretty similar, I'm sure they will be great for Level 1 prep as well. 


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