Distance Learning - Weekly Agenda Template

⬆️ Click the picture for the template! ⬆️

One of the few things I liked about distance learning in Spring 2020 was that it forced me to think about how to simplify & streamline my teaching. One of the ways I did that was by fitting all the important information my kids needed for their learning on ONE page. Once I started doing this, I got so many LESS questions about what they were supposed to do, and where they could access this or that. It was all in their weekly agenda! 

I included ways they could contact me, links to an online calculator and formula chart, their weekly learning target, links to videos & assignments, and even extended learning opportunities. I know for me personally it's much easier to work on something when I have it all in one place. That was my hope for my students with this weekly agenda too! All they have to do is open the agenda and whatever they needed for math was just a click away. 

I used to use daily, sometimes 2 page agendas in my classroom! Obviously I saw my students face-to-face so I could guide them if they had any questions or needed clarification. However, after using this one-page agenda, I started to realize how much this would help when we are back in the classroom as well. Whether we are virtual or in the classroom, I definitely plan on using this template again. Click here or the picture below to access this FREE template! 


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