Thanksgiving Turkey Review

They day(s) leading up to breaks are crazy, especially in middle school! I was pleasantly surprised with how well the day before Thanksgiving break went for my classes!

I had given assessments to all of my classes on Thursday, and wanted to spend the Friday before break going over those assessments in small groups (as I always do!). So, I needed something for everyone to work on while I was pulling small groups. I created this Turkey Review (one for Algebra 1 & one for 8th Grade Math). There is a PDF version & the google slides version of each one, in case you want to make a copy & edit for yourself. This activity was perfect because they did not need much help on it, and it kept old concepts that they'll soon need for end-of semester exams fresh! Once they were done, they could color it, and then work on graphing ornaments from Scaffolded Math.

I hope everyone had a wonderful & relaxing Thanksgiving! I cannot believe that we are nearing the end of 1st semester already.

***Click on the pictures below to access the activities!!***



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